Saturday, March 5, 2011


PSLE, I fucked up. Couldn't get into dream secondary school.
'O' Levels, I fucked up. Couldn't get a place in dream polytechnic course. Ended up transferring to YJC.

I got my dreams crushed again, after seeing my 'A' Levels grades yesterday. Bye bye to NUS FASS and NTU Humanities.

I already predicted my grades but it felt so real when I saw the statement of results.

It was depressing to browse the SIM GE programmes. Stuck with courses like accountancy and economics :(


  1. My condolences to your family. Rest in peace.

  2. Rest in peace. We cld have met in SIM :(

  3. My condolences to your family too. May you rest in peace.

  4. My condolences to your family...
    Rest in peace...

  5. very sad indeed to read your news :( wish you could have confided in someone u can share with or trust. RIP girl, may the Lord be with you.

  6. Word seems inadequate to express the sadness we feel.

    My deepest sympathy and condolences to her loved ones around, families and friends.

    R.I.P. dearest angel.


  7. May God be with you and that you will find peace in heaven. =(

  8. Rest in peace Krystal . Hope you be able to find peace and joy in another world . All the best for you . Even though we are not acquainted , i am feeling sad too after hearing your death.

  9. May you smile and be happy over the other side.

  10. :'(
    Rest in peace

  11. R.I.P fellow ex-XMS-ians...

  12. Rest in peace.... :(

  13. Rest in peace, Krystal.
    Such a pity to lose someone whom God loves.
    If only you got to know Him.
    A life could've been saved and changed.
    I know its all too late but I just wanna say this to those who are facing the same circumstances, please, believe that God can change your lives. No matter what you used to be or what you've done before that even you cannot forgive yourself, God, will forgive you. Even when you're being despised by everyone including yourself, God doesn't despise you! Every life is precious to Him because He is your creator.
    And on top of all that, He have a master plan for every single one of us to prosper us. He created you for a reason! So please think before you decide on ending your precious life because even people who have no relationship with you feels for you. What about people who loves you? Wouldn't it break their heart even more knowing that they wouldn't be able to see you smile or talk again?

  14. Krystal why krystal why? I'm really upset..

  15. hi,though i dunnno you.but rest in peace Krystal. you shouldn't commit it as its not end of the world. though it's a bit late to say's a silly act..
    hope you are happy and fine at the other world.

    Rest peace.

  16. Yukari: its only school, shuld have take it easy....

  17. krystal,or those i don't know u.i get a the bad news that u have.....if i have read this what u have wrote...u will chat with u and talk with u.i trying to die before.but i.....may be i should have follow u,die is a releaf...hope u rest in peace.u will get the bless of god..happy always...if i brave enought,i might be joining u soon.

  18. There's always alternatives girl... ending your life ain't the way. If the earth were to revolve backwards a day back, I hope that I had met you and you wouldn't end up in the after life. If you were able to see all this messages, it proves ppl still care. Be strong ok in the next life. My tears fall for you. Happy 18 years of living dear friend.

  19. IM sad to hear this ....

    Hope all of you treasure life ... we only lived once ...

  20. How sad to be alone with your thoughts and feelings at that crucial time. We should all try more to help and understand each other. My thoughts and prayers are with all who reach such deep dispair. Amitoufo

  21. to all the youngsters reading her blog, life is more than personal achievement ....what matters are life after worldly death...before any of you decide to do what she did, think again, it will not be better, you still have to face judgment and Yahweh will ask you, why did you end your life, you'll be sobbing and regret at what you did, seek help, even if it crushes your spirit and mind, seek real help...exam and poor results are not life most challenging problem, walking with Yahweh is....if you still feel it's worth ending your life, just think of Yahweh and say HELP ME PLEASE!!!....

  22. Somebody close this blog.

  23. Please close the facebook too. It will be very sad for their love ones to keep seeing the fb.

  24. r.i.p..Though i dun knw you..Really feel sad when i heard this news..

  25. May the perpetual light shine upon u n may you rest in peace always....

  26. Am just too lost for words. god bless you.

  27. Krystal why...
    Krystal why....
    Krystal why.....
    Krystal why......
    May the perpetual light shine upon ur in rest in peace always. God bless you.

  28. Very sad to know that you are leaving. Wish you rest in peace and go to heaven.

  29. Hey just read ur story. Actually u r the not worst person in the world. Ur result are not so good but however my is worst my GCE N Level I only pass 2 subjects and haiz. I dont know what to said but I feel it is a waste for u to end ur life. U r just 18 and have a bright future ahead. U should talk to some1 about ur problems. I know study is important but u shouldn't end ur life. If u have another chance will u continue to stay forever. RIP U take care

  30. Read about your story on yahoo post and search for your blog. Was really sad to read your story.

    RIP, and may your loved ones find strength to carry on.


  31. My condolences to your family and i pray that they will be given the strength to handle this and to carry on with life. It was really a pity but everything that has happened has happened so, rest in peace dear, may you be with the Lord in heaven.

  32. RIP :D we will pray for u :D

  33. You were so beautiful, it's really a pity.
    Rest in peace and my deepest condolences to your family and friends.

  34. I'm sure God loves you more, Krystal. And He can take better care of you.. Rest in peace, Stranger..

  35. rest in peace, babe.

  36. You beautiful gal... why why why why?

  37. RIP. Ending a life is never the solution to anything.

    Whats done is done...

    My condolences to your family members and friends.

  38. rest in peace.

    may u feel happlier in the other side of the world. take care.

  39. that guy who care youMay 16, 2011 at 11:24 AM
    this is that guy who hurt her?
    i think is she ex bf...but that guy already got new girl friend~~

  40. ur life is so similiar to me. RIP

  41. r.i.p. girl.we will miss you so much!!:((

  42. rest in peace ...

  43. Rest in peace, krystal.
    my condolences to ur family.

  44. Anonymous said...
    krystal,or those i don't know u.i get a the bad news that u have.....if i have read this what u have wrote...u will chat with u and talk with u.i trying to die before.but i.....may be i should have follow u,die is a releaf...hope u rest in peace.u will get the bless of god..happy always...if i brave enought,i might be joining u soon

    for the person who posted the above, please find someone you can talk to. If you don't want that, chat online and pour out your troubles. you may not get a solution at that moment but you will feel lighter cos you have release some of your sorrows. Taking your own life should not be on anyone's mind at all.

  45. Rest in peace, god bless.

  46. Is this a joke or some kind of ads promotion?

  47. I am sure she must have made a last call to her BF before ending her life. Obviously he must have been male chauvinistic and insensitive towards her. You are now cursed with bad relationships for the rest of your life.....

  48. boy/girl relationship not worth for you to trade with your life and are not all you have , families and sibling are the true relationship you need to keep !

  49. Goodness sake, person is no longer around. Don't give your lectures about life in here. RIP Krystal Aki Mizoguch.

    Deepest Condolences to the family and loved ones of Krystal.

  50. Rest in peace.......

  51. our dreams can re-start, re-do, even reset .. but life can't .. !! life must goes on

  52. RIP.
    So pretty
    Die so early
    Such a waste.

  53. Even w/o others life still can goes on. In life there is no such thing as u can't live w/o each other.

  54. My condolences. You are such a young and pretty girl, with full of life and zeal. It was kind to know that you lived your life with so much zest. I pray your family would find rest in remembering fond memories of you.

    Life is so fragile, so precious and so tender. . Take care Krystal. Enjoy in heaven


  55. May you rest in peace. Deepest condolences to your family and loved ones.

  56. May you rest in peace and be happy in the other world.


  58. RIP. I hope as the boyfriend you manage to give her all the best while she was alive.

  59. Rest in peace,Krystal.

  60. its such a pity that u had left, although i dunno you. but hope u will be happy on the other side

  61. So sad to hear that you have gone. May you rest in peace, Krystal

  62. rest in peace krystal..

  63. My condolences to the family and friends. May the Lord Bless her soul.

  64. Haiz ... why ? God bless you .

  65. Is it her or is it the system? RIP.

  66. Rest In Peace. But why choose that way out?

  67. my deepest condolence krystal..

    Somehow i feel that you shouldn't have ended your life like could still get first class honour in SIM. however...

    You said you failed for 3 stages of your important life...i think i fail more than you do! People with higher expectation, still do well.

    But, i guess your death preaches us to be stronger and you should not feel sad anymore.

    Till now, from the moment i read your post, i feel really upset. ):

    Rest in peace pretty girl. <3

  68. rest in peace...and god be with you...

  69. Rest In Peace Crystal

  70. Rest in Peace! May The Lord Bless Your Soul. Condolences to your family.
    You should have talked to someone and not take the "easy way out" my heart cries for you, your parents & your family ;(

  71. 一路走好吧。无论你在哪个世界,愿你会更坚强。阿弥陀佛。

  72. Rest In Peace...

  73. May GOD bless you

  74. Now that she's dead, there's no point telling her to RIP, like she should have sought help and stuff, don you think its a bit too late? Whats more important is that we try to identify people with suicidal tendencies, and help them from there. Like cheer them up and encourage them.

    Such a pretty girl not doing too bad in life, with a 'not-so-depressing' blog post, mustered her god-knows-where-courage to jump down. Its kinda scary.

    My two cents worth.

  75. Agrees with poster1988.

  76. May her soul rest in peace...
    For all those that are reading this... I hope no one else will commit as such... If there are problems in your life.. please seek help in your family or friends or call the help lines...

  77. Rest In Peace... D:

  78. Rest In Peace..Krystal _/\_
    May You have A Better Karma In The Your Next Life

  79. Her latest blog post was on 5 Mar. The sad suicide was on 14 May. It took her 2 months before he succumbed to her depression & killed herself.

    None of her loved one(s) did notice the change of her for the last 2 months? That's the real tragedy of this case!


  80. You're safe in God's hands. Do rest in peace.

  81. i thought her bf is

    i am sure i was right.

  82. Re: that guy who care you said...
    this is that guy who hurt her?
    i think is she ex bf...but that guy already got new girl friend~~

    May 16, 2011 11:24 AM

    This is Seonghoon and i wasn't her ex boyfriend. And i'd appreciate it if you could take the comment off before anyone misunderstands. Anyway she's my brother's friend and may she rest in peace. deepest condolence to her family too..

  83. love to trade with life isn't a good idea. and it's not worth it. some people are trying their best to keep alive and u just end ur life because of small matter.

    i have read ur blog and found that ur life isn't tat bad. many people have worst life than u and they still trying their best to stay alive.

    anyway RIP

  84. go to her Facebook and you can see her ex boyfriend there. Get your information right before accusing anyone

  85. dude, who is the ex bf?

    and condolences to krystal's family. hope the bf did his part before her suicide. if not he'll live to regret, forever. and it will haunt him all his life. trust me.

  86. cant take comment off after its being published. only owner of the blog can take it off.

  87. I am an Indian, and new to Singapore but seeing the tragic death news compels me to write comment over here,after all we all are human and pain has no geographical boundaries, their is a bad feel somewhat going inside my heart,lots of life ahead,i can only curse the one who may have hurt-ed the girl so badly that she took this drastic step,hope god will help Krystal with another chance to live her life freely,happily and full of Courage and Love. God Bless Krystal and her family Amen....

  88. Hope you are at peace and may your love ones recover. God bless.

  89. Hi Krystal,

    Please Rest In Peace. Hope you can find joy and peace in your new home.

  90. Hello Krsytal,

    Same as the many above,
    i'm compelled to leave a comment here as well because of what i've heard about you. Its sad that you chose to end your life just like that. Many of us would have encouraged you to pick yourself up if you sought help online but i guess its all too late now.

    To your family that has suffered such a torment from the loss of you, i hope God's healing will come upon them and believe God has called upon you to rest with Him.

    Krystal, before i end this comment and if you can read this, i just want to tell you that you have certainly been a blessing to many people around you.

    Whether your dreams have been crashed and burned before or whether you have been through a good or bad relationship, i hope everything starts anew while you live you life in Heaven with the God Almighty.

    Good Rest, Good Him.

  91. i will miss you krystal..R.I.P ps Wish You Were Here

  92. a guy in a green uniformMay 17, 2011 at 7:15 PM

    Krystal, can I join you? I also failed my A-Levels, I am a failure in relationships, my family is bloody screwed up and I cannot tahan NS.

  93. Dear Krystal,

    and more importantly for the benefit of those who are feeling the same as her.

    As someone who has felt so hopeless that it did cross my mind to just end it all, I can only imagine the depths of despair that drove you to this. I can only hope that you are in a better place now, where you do not need to worry about things like NUS FASS.

    I had a very rough end to a long relationship a while back. Even now it is pretty sore. But as world ending as it had seemed back then, I somehow just hung on and kept going. A lot of people will try and say that things get a lot better, but that's nonsense. Very often life just continues to suck. But the important thing is that it continues. So long as it continues, there is a chance of it getting better. If it ends, then that chance will never materialize.

  94. To the guy in a green uniform,
    death is not a way to solve your problems.
    No matter what happens in life, never think of death. You failed your A lvl.. You can always try again, don't give up. You're a failure in r/s, you will meet someone who's right for you someday. Your family is bloody screwed up.. You don't have a choice for that. But this isn't a reason for you to think of death. You have the chance to fix it if you're alive.. and you have the chance to have your own perfect family in the future, and knowing what your family is like currently, you will know what to do in the future. Lastly, you can't take NS life? Sad to say, you're weak. Every guy that is 18 in sg has to go through NS. If you can't take it, how can the others take it? You're just pathetically weak. You don't even try. Learn to look at life in a new perspective.. Death is running away from everything. Stop and look around you, life is beautiful.. If you think your life is devastating.. What about those who have no food, no shelter? Those that are willing to do whatever it takes to live on? You are very fortunate. Appreciate it. And you see, if you're suffering right now, and you're still alive, and you're at your worse.. You can make it through alive. Life will be better. But never fun away from it..

  95. rest in peace~ condolences to your friends and family~

  96. RIP...
    to all young gals who are going through pains:
    I am 29 years old now and there was a period of time when I felt so lost... screwed o levels... but life goes on, one will learn that life is not just about exams and grades... there are always dreams to chase. you will find ur true destiny calling in time to come.

  97. May you find the peace and happiness you so long for - in a kinder and gentler place.

  98. Krystal, life isn't just about school results and BGR. Its about going through all the stages into moulding you to what you are.

    When i see the news, i felt the sorrow. You are such a nice looking girl.

    I am always the "black sheep" of my family. Lousy childhood, very pathetic results from PSLE all the way until poly. But sometimes, you just have to stop looking at the past. focus on what you have in now and look forward.

    do RIP

  99. Rest in Peace... I'll be praying for you. NMRK

  100. You are a beautiful Angel and RIP...

  101. RIP ... hope people with problems & troubles in life can share them with someone they can confide in or seek help from various groups ...

  102. Don't be like a tree with shallow roots because it was grown with so much water. This kind of tree will easily tip-over even to slight blast of wind.

    The tree that grows in less rain and water have deep roots. This kind of tree can withstand through a stormy weather and strong winds.

    You're so young and full of hope. It's all GONE... Take rest now, in PEACE. Condolence to your family...

  103. You are one beautiful child. May you be happier up there.
    RIP and smile. Condolences to your family.

  104. rip, beautiful.

  105. continue our love on the other side...

  106. rest in peace....

  107. should ve believed urself...

  108. hey guy in a green uniform,

    death is no answer. there is always another way to handle life. like a molten rock pressure. it always find a point to burst out. like that there is always another way to go in life. your journey doeas not end at "A" levels. i meshed up my A levels also.. see now i am an Electrical Engineer. i could not enter uni after a levels but then i chose another way to go about it. i too diploma and move slowly towards my goal.! now i have made it :)
    you take care and always.. wait another day where you might see your path to life. if not today then the next and so on.

    god bless you.

  109. Is dying fun you assfuck ? kill yourself to become famous aah ? go die lah mofo

  110. oops i forgot you are already dead hahahahahahha ^ lol burn in hell then hahahahah

  111. so selfish to end your life like that.....

  112. She has already passed on, so please stop those negative remarks about her, all right?

  113. well don worry about this mofo who negative remarks..R.I.P Krystal <3

  114. well don worry about this mofos who gives negative remarks..R.I.P Krystal <3

  115. To all the haters: De mortuis nil nisi bonum. Always speak good of the dead.
    To Krystal: RIP. you are understood, and so well. You are me 5 years back. I wish we had met.

  116. suicide is a sin, since you didn't cherish what God has given you especially since you are an atheist you're probably going to fall to hell
    [no offence]

    my life was worse, my dad left us when i was 4 and little brother 2, parents were divorced since i was 6.

    My little brother was knocked down by a huge car at age 6 going 7 he's birthday was on 18 April,but got knocked down on 12 April 2003 as school was closed due to SARS.
    `[at year 2003 ,18 April was Good Friday and my brother's birthday ,sad thing he couldn't celebrate..well he was very eager to do so]

    i was only 9 at that time alone some more when i witness the accident,
    he was knocked and drag for quite a few distance,
    skin was torn...many broken bones,blood clot came out from his ear there was a cut,face was disfigured.

    he's heart was beating but brain was dead,at the hospital after my "dad" came with his girlfriend there ,my brother's heart beat stopped and he passed away.

    i suffered from shocked at that time and still fear to cross the road even until now.

    My so call dad didn't pay maintenance as promised even signed with black and white, he was suppose to support me until i am 21,but until now he DIDN'T.

    He even tried to steal custody from my mom secretly.

    I have good PSLE score but got bad result at secondary school had to retain for 2 years but did not care now i am a school dropout.

    Many so call best friends of mine even betrayed and lied to me`hurting me a lot.

    at school people would tease and say me and my group are loner, well i am sadist actually.

    my mom works single handedly all her life to bring me up and will never let her down.

    As a true christian i would never take suicide as a problem solver. lol i rather wait for end of the world when Jesus returns.

  117. >>>>>my life was worse, my dad left us when i was 4 and little brother 2, parents were divorced since i was 6>>>>>>
    ---Admired your courage and strong faith. Life is like a wheel, each and everyone have a chance to go up. Just don't give up..

    She is so selfish, didn't think about his younger brother and mother. Forget the boyfriend, he's not related to her after all and just maybe she was known only for a few years, months maybe. It wasn't worth it.

    If you had a chance to go to school, considered yourself lucky...


  118. Hopefully ur in a better place... RIP.

  119. You shouldn't have killed yourself Krystal.

    What's the good in death?

    YOU end up more alone than you were in life.

  120. You think death will take away all your pains?

    Dying is the biggest pain of all.

    Imagine your entire lifesource being ripped out of your body in such a quick death as yours.

    Should die slower next time, longer duration of pain but perhaps less intense.

  121. There are many conceited comments here. This makes me sad. And to these people: what if one of your dearly loved ones committed suicide. Would you post smart and self-righteous comments then?

    Krystal, I never knew you and do not even live in Singapore, but word gets around quickly these days.

    Many, many people contemplate suicide. It's a reflection of the human condition. But few go through with it. So unnecessary and so tragic, yet so utterly human.

    Rest in peace, and condolences to your family and friends whom I am sure loved you very much.

    To those who feel the need to tell the beautiful late Krystal that she is most likely going to hell, shut up. You are not the judge of the world; God is. Go and do something useful, like cheering someone up.

  122. my dear xms-ian, and fellow atheist,

  123. may you rest in peace in the better world

  124. Hi Krystal,

    I hope you will be able to read this...

    I felt the same with you 3 years ago, getting my poly results and couldn't got into the university course I wanted, I flunked my O levels too, and 3 years later (now), I am still haunted by the mini depressions I get whenever someone asked me: WHY YOU DIDN'T GO TO UNIVERSITY!?

    still... if only we know each other in real life, maybe we could listen and share each other's problems, both of us could have felt better...

    R.I.P krystal... you are remembered by me, a total stranger but with same experiences.

  125. Dear krystal

    Im so saddened by your death and im sure it was not really your poor results that drove you to your death but the lack of love and support.
    please rest in peace and if we ever meet again in our next lives, i will listen
    to you and help you.

    Ps : people this is not the place to show off.

  126. Deepest condolences to your family. Death should never have been an option, this tragedy could and should have been prevented. But hopefully, you are better off wherever you are. R.I.P.

  127. rest in peace krystal,
    I was actually very much in your shoes before, and knowing that i couldnt have a chance to talk to you or talk you through those depressing thoughts that were probably going in your head, makes me feel so sad. ):

    i was very very much like you.

    but whats done is done,
    rest in peace.

  128. Death should not be your final option. I was once like you, I did very badly in my PSLE & hit right down to the Normal Tech stream. I did average in my N levels & in ITE. Currently pursuing a Higher Nitec course in the ITE. I would want to let you know (if you are reading this in the other world) that failing may not be bad afterall & is definately NOT THE END. You failed once, twice, third and so on BUT as long as you do not give up on yourself & willing to give yourself one more chance to do again, definately anybody will give you a chance & you can do it better. Time itself doesn't matter cuz it's never too late to try again.

    But nevertheless, R.I.P krystal & if you are born in your next life, all the best to you ;)

  129. Personally, I took 4 attempts of 'O' levels and 2 attempts of 'A' levels. Yet I am lucky enough to survive my depression and setbacks, making it through SIM and now in NTU for grad studies. Krystal, I am not belittling you for your death. just that I feel for you as someone who had been thru it and nearly committed suicide as well. Anyway, RIP and condolences to your family. Cheers, Bern

  130. hi krystal! you are very pretty!

    i know this comment is late.

  131. I read with sadness about the suicide of a teenage college girl.
    Surely that she is gone and comments here may assist other similar problem people who may need remedy solutions to guide them from the lost world and depressions.
    I hope that i may be right, if not, my apology abundantly.
    My profound condolence to the family of Krystal Aki Mizoguchi.

  132. Rest In Peace, Krystal. Everything is fine now, and everything gonna be fine soon.
    My deepest sympathy and condolences to your loved ones, families and friends.
    And i believe god and angels be by ur side taking care of u.

  133. hey! i hope you're fine now,wherever you are. Education here is hard,I know it. All of us do. But whatever it is,the decisions that we all make,are somehow right to us,individually and from what I've read and seen,you seem like a really nice person. we'll definitely miss you,even if you haven't met us. take care krystal.

    a fellow singaporean student

  134. people who suicide won't get into heaven . whatever you are , only GOD knows . may you rest in peace

  135. how do you know what god wants? i have never met a primate who claims to know the mind of god. Back off and stop piling the insulting onto the irrational you christians. Just leave the poor kid alone. Imagine someone saying you are going to hell after you are dead. What an outrageous thing to say to people!

  136. Happy birthday krystal! I miss you!

  137. We still Celebrate your birth into the world although we mourn your passing.
    We remember your time with us here, however fleeting.
    10th of June on this day forever more,
    Krystal lives on in our hearts, keeping safe for yonder shores.
    Hope is fleeting but save for some,
    The perpetual spring is where it sprung !
    Others drank from her viral beauty
    'Least we know in our hearts we loved her deeply

    Krys! Happy birthday my angel, Sayonara!
    Let's us meet again my angel Que sera, sera!

  138. Rest in peace, Krystal.

  139. rip.. you shouldnt have done it..

  140. IN the name of Lord Jesus I pray, Amen

  141. This comment has been removed by the author.

  142. Such a beautiful life...RIP

  143. I remember seeing you around in school.
    I'm too loss for words.

  144. Life is not impeccable for most of us. Going to a private university in singapore or re taking "A" level is not inferior at all. My sentiments is that it is such a waste of a precious life. I would like to complement your fluency of your English. You should not resort to suicide for a merely failure. Rest in peace, krystal angel.

  145. RIP Krystal. you were beautiful.

  146. Hey Krystal, after reading your blog, i truly understand how deadly stress can be... Studies, schools, relationships, sum them all out, stress. It's really depressing to see many people of out age taking their own life.. RIP, may you rest in peace with no more stress..

  147. Rest In Peace, Krystal.


  149. rest in peace.. :O

  150. I came across this today by accident and it's been on my mind the whole day. I hope you have found a measure of peace somewhere or perhaps in your next life. I saw a post of yours on karma and i do believe it exists. Do wallow over what has happened, just keep looking forward to what you can do better. As for people posting negative comments, grow a heart. My sincere condolences to her family. Be at peace Krystal.

  151. I''m sorry. Do not* wallow

  152. I think people in general live too good lives these days to commit suicide over something as petty as grades. Its a silly and immature kind of thinking. You should be happy that you have both working hands and feet and aern't born disabled. Be content with what you have, that's all I can say.

  153. I don't know if you can read this, wherever you are, but I hope you're in a better place. I'm truly sorry you had to do what you did, and even though I don't know you, I wish you hadn't. Your brother is a coursemate of mine, and I can't even begin to comprehend what he's going through. I hope he'll be okay. Rest in peace, and I hope you know he, and the rest of your family, loved you very much.

  154. Weak girl. She deserve to die. Small problems cause her to kill herself. Thats how weak she is.

  155. RIP. Krystal. I know how you feel. I had thought about ending my life when things didn't go well for me. But I managed to get back on my feet with the help of friends and family and to get keep going. I wish we could have met. And talked about ex-boyfriends and studies and poor results and nothing else. Because I am beginning to feel like I am going down under too. RIP.

  156. I'm truly saddened by this incident.
    Though there is many such cases in the world, each one teaches us that life is important, cherish it.

    RIP, a life is lost just like that.

    To those of you who ever considered suicide or are considering one,
    DON'T DO IT.
    Seek help, find someone reliable to talk to. i know it's easier said and done and sometimes you are this close to ending it all, it's difficult and you're at your wits end.
    I'm very affected by cases like this myself and i can't believe that someone would end their life just like that and to tell you the truth, i've been there but

    With love, S.

  157. This comment has been removed by the author.

  158. May God be with you.

  159. Rest in peace Krystal ~

  160. Regrets are too late. Hope you knew the consequence of what you did. R.I.P.
